Monday, March 9, 2009

Boyfriend :)

Every girl would love to have someone hold her in his arms and whisper in her ear, “I love you”, I hear of many girls that whine and complain that they cant get a boyfriend and they think that something is wrong with them. My momma always told me, ‘the only man you need is the one who will say “I do” to you.’

But have you ever wondered what God thought about your boy-girl relationships? Let's analyze all the reasons to have a boyfriend.

- just to have fun
- to practice getting along with boys
- to practice having a real relationship, so that you won't mess up a real one
- so your lips won't get bored
- so people don't think you are a lesbian or something weird
- to feel special, loved, needed, and wanted

And if you think or know you are in love, then wait. Time tests true love.
So pray to God to help you control your emotions. Don't be run by your emotions, if somebody calls you pretty. If you feel strongly "bonded" to someone, don't give them your whole heart just yet.

You must rely on God, not a boyfriend, so that you don't stumble. Boys are human, and make mistakes. So don't settle for less than God's best, someone who sees you for what God made you to be- some one who sees, treats, and loves you as a true gift from God. If you haven't been emotionally envolved, don't feel bad. Feel happy. No one wants anything that has already been used. The guys like the never-been-kissed, never-had-a-boyfriend, never-been-touched type. Your "innocence" is what makes you beautiful.

I'm not telling all y'all girls IN LOVE, to break up with y'all boyfriends. Nope. Not at all. But realize the risk evolved. If that's the man you think that you will stay with for the rest of your life, g'on ahead.

Stay that way until the true man comes along. The one that loves you so much he would nver have his eye on another girl, 'cause he gots you! The one that would do anything for you, 'cause you are a gift.

true love of mine. :))

Tell me what true love is.. please :)) Where's my true lurve? How do you know if you’ve ever been in love? Haha what a question! Most people would argue that although being in love with someone is non-tangible, there is absolutely no doubt in their mind of it existing. In fact, if you are questioning whether or not you are in love, then you are most certainly not. While I do not doubt for a second the existence of being in love, I am somewhat confused over our perception of what constitutes humanities most sought after experience. For me, falling in love with someone is a decision made based on the successful matching of ones own predetermined criteria or preferences. Love, real love, is just loving. How sweet if that so! :) Most people do not understand the deep and deep meaning of True Love. True Love is one hundred percent dedication of the partners towards one another, and a commitment so strong that it goes for the life. It is the union of two souls which appears as two bodies to the world, but the partners feel themselves as one. True Love is not a one man show, but a team effort of trust, loyalty, security, dependability, love, emotions, dreams, aspirations, and commitments. No wonder, it is so difficult to accomplish and I admit it! Now, I am ready to take rejection, hurt and pain. And I’m still here live on for a fresh search, for a true happiness. love teaches you how to be positive about life, how to help, how to be compassionate, how to respect others, how to be polite, how to develop the right attitudes and how to advise others about the right way to live. Our dreams are pleasurable, there is fun in small things in this life, world appears beautiful, your partner's face appears to glow like the sun, hehe and you'll feel like you are in heaven, you'll absolutely love living and will appreciate every moment you spend with the one you love. With your partner in arms reach, you'll feel nothing can go wrong; nothing can ever bog you down. You'll lose all track of time when you spend time with your partner. And when you have time to spare, the memories and thoughts of your partner occupy your mind consciously or unconsciously. Haha that’s all about of being in love with the right one. Be careful in choosing your liebe. :))

Boys are whatever ^^

Guys are whatever. Ahaha bitter! We are extremely busy but then we still have time for guys hunting. hihihi Now, I probably know the type I'm talking about. He's very clever, probably in all the top sets. His main things are his computer, his understand. That is his life. I do not wish to stereotype, but he will probably either have really nasty hair or he will put so much gel on it that it will resemble a pan of chip fat. He can be quite good-looking but doesn't really take much time on his appearance. He hangs around with other computer geeks and the chances are you won't be able to stand them. He can be outwardly funny and goofy but inside lurks a shy, sensitive little creature. He likes his computer and psp, obviously. He likes having a laugh, but i may find his sense of humour weird...whatever turns you me on! He also likes girls, though it may not seem that obvious.. but tsk tsk! I quit if that so. BOYS are always chasing, following, or touching/hugging/putting his arm around some girl and it's always a different one. The kind of boy you'd usually take a ten mile hike to avoid (well, that's me, not sure about you). Unfortunately, he's usually drop dead gorgeous and therefore very difficult to resist. He'll have gelled, spiky hair and a cheeky, flirty smile. He'll also have a looooooooooooong history of ex-girlfriends. You will find other guys, either with his mates talking (in a very degrading manner, obviously) ABOUT girls, or with a girl trying to butter her up. He's probably very popular, with a large group of friends, so chances are you'll know his territory anyway. Ahaha that is BOYS ! You can’t change them, others may change but not all of them. I lurve my BOIBABBLE.

sec ah ! :)

Being one of this section is so sanctified. Haha though we are so earsplitting and sometimes so annoying na. Well well well.. ayaw pa ring patalo! In this section only, is where you can get along the inimitable people at Brokenshire College. With them, you can do whatever you want to do, you are free to express the factual you.. The crazy and extreme stuff is always present in this section. We never lack of foolish things to do while we are inside the classroom, at all times we act like we are toddlers.hahah whatda! M-E-A-N is the best word that can describe our very own section. Haha honestly, im so in love with this group that I have by this time. Well right now, my unending thank you for you guys is here.. Thank you for the memories, for the laughs and tears that we’ve shared throughout the year.. for the night life that we cherished so much! Haha party! Party!. Mga parteeey peepz! :) thank you for the beach party that we had.. ahaha no one can beat us! We are united to bring this section to be a horrible one. keep on rocking guys! I know we can do it! Tira tira! Love you much section ahhhh.. :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daberkads..lubb lub!

WE ARE Sooo MeAn !!

Spell friends please. :)) Ahaha miss my friends. Very much! They are the one who makes me feels so strong and makes me happy. tuod gid na haw! No dull moments with them. Hahay.. I’m longing to be with them again, when will it going to happen again? Waah excited! Since March 2006 we haven’t time to celebrate that we are totally complete daberkads! I miss us. :( Though new friends may come into our lives, I’m expecting that our relationship, the friendship is still there. Strongly bonded and bound to be stronger even if we are in different places today. I miss our chit chatting guys till dawn, the unending laugh, the sharing of showbiz news, the food trips that we lurve and the smile that we showed when there are cameras in front of us. Haha so absurd! I love it to be with you guys.. How I really miss you. Us.. Time will come that we will be completely laughing and having food trip as what we really like. Haha I’ll gonna see you soon daberkads! Love you stronger. Muah!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Do you know me?

Other people doesn't know me well.. Anyways, I'm making this blog for them to know a lil' bit of my crazy side. I can really merely say that I often like to have a lot of people around me, coz' I don't want to be alone. My weakness is being loner, I really admit that to my friends. I am easily distracted with things that keeps me irritated. haha! how pathetic i am! I also find it easy to approach other people and establish new contacts, i don't know why but that's what i observe with myself. I often make impulsive decisions too and I prefer to be in the centre of things in short selfish or loves to be center of attraction. ahaha :)) and most of all I have lots of friends.. i really love my friends so much! I cant really say no to them. Guys, i love PINK.. bein' god-fearing is my hidden attitude. Other people says that I'm childish, a fact that i cant deny. hehe :) Im still attach with my younger days. I still cant move on with that! haha Oh! i was so proud to those people who did everything for there love ones. ahem ahem! i love it! Anyway, too much for that.. I've something to tell.. I'm also a frustrated princess. haha shhh.. please be quite. don't want that others will know about that. hmm.. know what Im skipping the martyr act and just tackle one thing at a time. I'm not out to impress people, I'm out to get things done. I really take it slow and steady.It help me reduce stress in my life, I'm proud to say that I'm a do-er instead of freak-out-er. Exploring new places is what i love the most, doing adventure fantasies and having a happy moments with them. Hate those people who are backstabbers, nothing to do but to talk about you behind your back and those people who are using a mask in front of you..but I try not to get too bogged down in all of them and despite of that I'm okay coz i understand those people. They just need some attention from other people. Haha I'm soooo mean.. I think its enough to know the lil' part of myself. Till next time.ü