Monday, March 2, 2009

Do you know me?

Other people doesn't know me well.. Anyways, I'm making this blog for them to know a lil' bit of my crazy side. I can really merely say that I often like to have a lot of people around me, coz' I don't want to be alone. My weakness is being loner, I really admit that to my friends. I am easily distracted with things that keeps me irritated. haha! how pathetic i am! I also find it easy to approach other people and establish new contacts, i don't know why but that's what i observe with myself. I often make impulsive decisions too and I prefer to be in the centre of things in short selfish or loves to be center of attraction. ahaha :)) and most of all I have lots of friends.. i really love my friends so much! I cant really say no to them. Guys, i love PINK.. bein' god-fearing is my hidden attitude. Other people says that I'm childish, a fact that i cant deny. hehe :) Im still attach with my younger days. I still cant move on with that! haha Oh! i was so proud to those people who did everything for there love ones. ahem ahem! i love it! Anyway, too much for that.. I've something to tell.. I'm also a frustrated princess. haha shhh.. please be quite. don't want that others will know about that. hmm.. know what Im skipping the martyr act and just tackle one thing at a time. I'm not out to impress people, I'm out to get things done. I really take it slow and steady.It help me reduce stress in my life, I'm proud to say that I'm a do-er instead of freak-out-er. Exploring new places is what i love the most, doing adventure fantasies and having a happy moments with them. Hate those people who are backstabbers, nothing to do but to talk about you behind your back and those people who are using a mask in front of you..but I try not to get too bogged down in all of them and despite of that I'm okay coz i understand those people. They just need some attention from other people. Haha I'm soooo mean.. I think its enough to know the lil' part of myself. Till next time.ü

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