Monday, March 9, 2009

true love of mine. :))

Tell me what true love is.. please :)) Where's my true lurve? How do you know if you’ve ever been in love? Haha what a question! Most people would argue that although being in love with someone is non-tangible, there is absolutely no doubt in their mind of it existing. In fact, if you are questioning whether or not you are in love, then you are most certainly not. While I do not doubt for a second the existence of being in love, I am somewhat confused over our perception of what constitutes humanities most sought after experience. For me, falling in love with someone is a decision made based on the successful matching of ones own predetermined criteria or preferences. Love, real love, is just loving. How sweet if that so! :) Most people do not understand the deep and deep meaning of True Love. True Love is one hundred percent dedication of the partners towards one another, and a commitment so strong that it goes for the life. It is the union of two souls which appears as two bodies to the world, but the partners feel themselves as one. True Love is not a one man show, but a team effort of trust, loyalty, security, dependability, love, emotions, dreams, aspirations, and commitments. No wonder, it is so difficult to accomplish and I admit it! Now, I am ready to take rejection, hurt and pain. And I’m still here live on for a fresh search, for a true happiness. love teaches you how to be positive about life, how to help, how to be compassionate, how to respect others, how to be polite, how to develop the right attitudes and how to advise others about the right way to live. Our dreams are pleasurable, there is fun in small things in this life, world appears beautiful, your partner's face appears to glow like the sun, hehe and you'll feel like you are in heaven, you'll absolutely love living and will appreciate every moment you spend with the one you love. With your partner in arms reach, you'll feel nothing can go wrong; nothing can ever bog you down. You'll lose all track of time when you spend time with your partner. And when you have time to spare, the memories and thoughts of your partner occupy your mind consciously or unconsciously. Haha that’s all about of being in love with the right one. Be careful in choosing your liebe. :))

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