Every girl would love to have someone hold her in his arms and whisper in her ear, “I love you”, I hear of many girls that whine and complain that they cant get a boyfriend and they think that something is wrong with them. My momma always told me, ‘the only man you need is the one who will say “I do” to you.’
But have you ever wondered what God thought about your boy-girl relationships? Let's analyze all the reasons to have a boyfriend.
But have you ever wondered what God thought about your boy-girl relationships? Let's analyze all the reasons to have a boyfriend.
- to practice getting along with boys
- to practice having a real relationship, so that you won't mess up a real one
- so your lips won't get bored
- so people don't think you are a lesbian or something weird
- to feel special, loved, needed, and wanted
And if you think or know you are in love, then wait. Time tests true love.
So pray to God to help you control your emotions. Don't be run by your emotions, if somebody calls you pretty. If you feel strongly "bonded" to someone, don't give them your whole heart just yet.
You must rely on God, not a boyfriend, so that you don't stumble. Boys are human, and make mistakes. So don't settle for less than God's best, someone who sees you for what God made you to be- some one who sees, treats, and loves you as a true gift from God. If you haven't been emotionally envolved, don't feel bad. Feel happy. No one wants anything that has already been used. The guys like the never-been-kissed, never-had-a-boyfriend, never-been-touched type. Your "innocence" is what makes you beautiful.
I'm not telling all y'all girls IN LOVE, to break up with y'all boyfriends. Nope. Not at all. But realize the risk evolved. If that's the man you think that you will stay with for the rest of your life, g'on ahead.
Stay that way until the true man comes along. The one that loves you so much he would nver have his eye on another girl, 'cause he gots you! The one that would do anything for you, 'cause you are a gift.